The Original Outdoor Fountains

The water from rivers and other sources was originally supplied to the occupants of nearby towns and municipalities by way of water fountains, whose purpose was mainly practical, not artistic. A supply of water higher in elevation than the fountain was required to pressurize the movement and send water spraying from the fountain's nozzle, a system

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How Technical Designs And Styles of Fountains Spread

Throughout the European countries, the chief means of spreading useful hydraulic information and fountain design suggestions were the circulated papers and illustrated publications of the day, which added to the evolution of scientific innovation. An un-named French fountain developer was an internationally renowned hydraulic innovator in the late

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Ancient Crete & The Minoans: Wall Fountains

Various kinds of conduits have been unveiled through archaeological excavations on the island of Crete, the birthplace of Minoan civilization. These supplied water and removed it, including water from waste and storms. The primary components used were stone or clay. Terracotta was selected for channels and conduits, both rectangle-shaped and spheri

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Architectural Statuary in Early Greece

Most sculptors were paid by the temples to accentuate the intricate pillars and archways with renderings of the gods right up until the stage came to a close and many Greeks began to think of their religion as superstitious rather than sacred, when it became more typical for sculptors to portray ordinary people as well. Portraiture, which would be

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The Ten Top Castle Tours

The castles found in Europe are each note-worthy and deserving of their own fairy tale. These historical pieces of architecture have outlived conflicts, fires, and many decades, and have remained standing. From the Islands in Greece to the cliffs in Scotland, every single castle has a unique history, and some may even have some ghosts lurking about

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